Ride in a helicopter
Go horseback riding
Wear a bikini
Visit Canada
Ride in a hot air balloon
Get my credit score up to 750!
Go bra-less in public
Ride in a convertible
Try a new food
Go ice skating at Rockefeller Center
Visit a winery
Go skiing
Marry my best friend
Stomp grapes
Write poetry again
Watch the Harry Potter series (I’ve never seen a single movie)
Change my last name
Take a tour of DC
Lose 30 pounds
Trademark “HolddtheMayo”
Go to a Day Party
Do Karaoke
Participate in a marathon
Get matching tattoos
Make a BIG purchase
Fast for 30 days
Kiss a dolphin
Ride on a jet ski
Silence the haters
Make a name for myself, socially
Go to an Eagles game IN Philly
Get my motorcycle license
Get promoted at work
Take care of my mother
This one was honestly done by accident. I didn’t put much thought into it and didn’t purposely plan on doing it, but it happened! LOL. This past Sunday (which was Father’s Day) the fam and I were getting ready for a cookout. I have this really pretty dress
I’ve wanted to wear for a really long time, but the way the back of the dress is, makes it nearly impossible to wear a bra. When I was getting dressed Sunday, I decided I wanted to finally put this dress on. I have a strapless bra that could have worked with the dress, but the way the back of the dress is, the band of the bra would have been exposed. I’m well endowed in the boobies department. Going bra-less is NOT an option. I needed one of those stick-on bras that have cups in the front, but instead of a band that clasps together in the back, there are sticky panels on each side of the bra that stick to the side of your body, making it so your back is completely bare and exposed. I sent my Fiance out on the hunt for this bra, but no luck. I was starting to get frustrated because I didn’t want to put together a whole new outfit. So, I searched around the house until I found….

I had to make it work!! I started cutting strips of the duct tape and strapping them to my chest to hold up my bitties! It actually worked! I walked out of the house with nothing but duct tape hoisting up my boulders. It was great! As we were leaving out the house and I was telling my Fiance my innovative idea, my son overheard and said, “Mom, you don’t have a bra on?” Then it hit me….I’M GOING BRA-LESS IN PUBLIC! And just like that, another item is checked off my list! Getting through this list may be easier than I thought, especially if things continue to happen coincidentally!
P.S. the duct tape held up, even in the 90 degree weather. This will definitely be a go-to idea in the future. And for any of you who have the same big breast issue and have never come across the duct tape idea….you’re welcome!