I was going through old videos in my phone and I came across a video (which is a compilation of Snaps from my SnapChat 👻) from one of my final days in California. It was a LIT night at my going away party and it was probably one of the BEST nights I’ve had in my life this far!! We planned a night of drinks, food and dancing and all ventured to Saddle Ranch at City Walk. The amount fun to come was something I would have never imagined happening. I was so embarrassed watching these videos the next day because I was SOOOOO drunk, and for my employees to see me like that was so shameful! But, at the end of the day, it was after work hours and all I wanted to do was spend time with the people I had grown to love over the 5 years I was in California. They will always be near and dear to my heart and watching this video gets me teary-eyed every time because I miss them so much!! When you watch the video, you’ll understand why it was the best night ever. I apologize in advance for my drunken behavior! But otherwise….ENJOY!