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Writer's picture: HolddtheMayoHolddtheMayo

After 7 AMAZING years living on the West Coast, I am finally making the trek back to Maryland, to embark on a NEW and important chapter in my life. This will be a journey I’ve never been on before, but I’m excited to experience all that God has in store for us. Over the past 7 years, I have met the most amazing people and I’ve made some of the best friends in my life! I’m glad I’ll always have friends to go back to when I visit California and Nevada.

To begin this journey, I’ll be celebrating my 32nd birthday by driving across country from Nevada to Maryland, something I’ve always wanted to do, #crossitoffthebucketlist. I don’t know all the details of what’s ahead in this new chapter, but I DO know the best is yet to come!

Here’s the👉🏽 replay 👈🏽of my live video, in case you missed the live broadcast. I’m still open to any and all suggestions and advice!



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