Everyone knows that I love a good restaurant and Eureka! definitely doesn’t disappoint! I’ve been to this restaurant once before, but I was so intrigued by the food and the atmosphere that I didn’t think to do a blog review on it.
The restaurant is located in the new The Village shopping center, where everything is pretty ritzy, fancy and upscale. The first time I went to this restaurant, I was sure I was going to spend an arm and leg like I did at Leo & Lily’s, but it really wasn’t too bad! And if you go during “Hoppy Hour”, yes, you read that correctly, the prices are even better! The great thing is that Hoppy Hour is 2 times during the day; from 2PM to 6PM and then again from 9PM to Close. You can get beers starting at just $2 and some pretty spectacular, large-portioned meals for as little as $6.
The atmosphere is really cool. It’s an indoor/outdoor type of restaurant. The first time I went, we sat outside. I was a little skeptical because on this particular day it was pretty chilly. But they have heaters outside as well as a cute little fire pit. So, I was actually pretty toasty while enjoying my beer and fried chicken sliders. This time, we were at a table that was literally half in-half out of the restaurant. I could still feel the warmth of the heaters, so it was still an enjoyable experience.
Now, let’s get down to the food! They have some of the best food I have ever had! The fried chicken sliders were not your average sliders. To begin, they were not miniature like most restaurants. They were also stacked with mashed potatoes, slaw and chili peppers. It doesn’t sound appealing, but trust me, it’s to DIE for! And it is definitely filling, seeing as though you get two sliders and they are both the same size as regular sandwiches. PLUS, a side of fries! Such an indulgence. Then you have the truffle cheese fries. Okay…..ladies and gents, this HAS to be the omega of Eureka! The truffle sauce reminds me of melted butter that you would use to dip crab leg meat in (you’ll understand if you’re an East Coaster who loves seafood). It is so succulent and just so damn tasty. I need to acquire the recipe, ASAP! I don’t think I have ever had truffle anything. But I am definitely a fan now!
Aside from the food, I’ve only had their beer. I have yet to try any other alcoholic beverages. They have quite the hefty menu of beer to choose from. And if you are still unsure of what type of beer to get, they have a sampler where you can get a sifter of about 5 different beers to try. For me, that was enough! I didn’t need to get a full beer! And on hoppy hour, I believe that sampler was roughly $5. Off hoppy hour, it was $9….that’s still not bad!
So, if you find yourself in the Woodland Hills, CA area, this is definitely a restaurant to try out in The Village. It’s a cozy place with prompt and efficient service and food that will make you want to smack your momma!And if you are a beer connoisseur, you’ll be in HEAVEN! Trust me, I wouldn’t steer you wrong.

#Toasty #Love #Delicious #Induldge #Chicken #Lifestyle #Omega #Heaters #Succulent #Eureka #Appealing #Cool #Crab #Fries #indulgence #Review #HoppyHour #Belly #LargePortion #Restaurant #Sandwiches #Stomach #Friends #GreatFood #Beer #FirePit #Outside #HappyHour #Atmosphere #Amazing #Dip #Yum #Tasty #Truffle