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So. Domestic.

Writer's picture: HolddtheMayoHolddtheMayo

Welp, it’s official! We have moved into a beautiful home, and now the real test begins!

Aaron and I have been living in the same house together for a little over a week and it has been nothing short of amazing! I didn’t know what to expect and I was worried about how the two of us would get along, merging our lives together. I think this was the first time I have ever really been nervous in our relationship. But I think because we talked everything over beforehand and we made sure we were super ready to make this transition, that prepared us for the change that was about to occur. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s early and we are bound to have problems down the line, but for now, all is well.

He prepared himself for my OCD and how particular I would be. And I prepared myself for his hours of training. The good thing is we compliment each other very well, we work well as a team and most of all, we are goofy together and we like to have fun. It helps that we put all of those things in the forefront, because it helps to overshadow any tension. Not to mention, we talk everything out. So, it’s been great!

What was super weird was that my sister moved into her own place on the same weekend we did! This is her first place and I am so proud of her. There was definitely a lot to celebrate and be thankful for; and celebrate is exactly what we did this weekend. My son’s birthday was on Friday, so we had a 3-in1 party; his birthday, my cousins gender reveal and a housewarming. It was a great way to break in our new home and we had a blast! People kept mentioning that it looked like we had lived there for years….and that is what I was going for! I made sure our home was all setup within the first few days. We had all of our furniture put together and all of the walls decorated within 3 days of moving in. I wanted to feel at home right away, and I think both Aaron and I finally feel like we are at home. I decorated our living room with a rustic, earthy-tones vibe and decorated our kitchen with a coastal vibe-since we live about 2 blocks from the beach. I made sure our children had the opportunity to put their own personal touches on their rooms and for our room, I went with the classic black and white. Our basement doubles as a man-cave for Aaron, with all of his tools and his personal gym, and a playroom for the boys, where they are free to play air hockey, videogames or watch movies.

What was most impressive was the fact that I’d ordered the furniture to furnish our home without ever stepping into the place! I saw pictures and Aaron got measurements, but I did it all blindly. Aaron was responsible for walking through the home and doing everything on the back-end. For me, work just wouldn’t allow my schedule to be so flexible. But it worked out great and we couldn’t be more happy with the way our beautiful home has turned out. Hopefully in future posts, we can delve into DIYs and other fun things involved with owning a home. Stay tuned!!

P.S. the move has distracted us from podcasting. But we will be back strong this week and every week thereafter!





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