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To Infinity….

Writer's picture: HolddtheMayoHolddtheMayo

It’s been waaaaay too long….

I’ve been gone for so long from my blog, that it’s unacceptable. But to my defense, I’ve been busy falling in love with someone I’ve known for a long time; an amazing man. The man of my dreams 😍. As of late, I’ve been the happiest I’ve been in a very long time, and I owe it all to him. He has taught me to turn my insecurities into positivity and he has shown me that it is possible to be loved, despite my past. He’s so supportive of my ventures, including this blog, and he’s inspired me to write more and do more, including this post. We were discussing ideas for my next blog post and we decided we wanted to dedicate an entry to our love for each other; he would write a letter and I would write a letter, expressing our feelings. I’ve read his letter, because he had to send it to me to publish, and I was blown away! But he hasn’t read mine yet, and will be reading it with the rest of the world. The suspense is probably killing him, so I’ll save my letter for last, just so he can stew a while longer, lol.

Here is what he wrote to me:

Joel 2:25 ” I will restore unto you the years that the swarming locust has eaten” (ESV) Babe, Most miracles in this life come through tragedy. A seed must first die in the ground then a plant can form and bring forth fruit. A woman goes through hell, pushing her body to the physical and emotional limits for nine months before a new life can be born. And when a star “dies”new galaxies are formed. And such is our story. A story of two friends who both went through some rough times in life only to be prepared for something greater to come. I was never a believer in people who were “made for each other”. I’ve simply always believed it to be more about the joint effort of both parties that made relationships work. Where there may be some truth in that, I may be wrong to some degree based on our lives. We never forgot about each other even though years went by and physical space has separated us. We both went on with life each going down our separate paths after school and each learning hard, (and even though we didn’t see it at the time) priceless lessons. Lessons that we would need in our future to come. You see, I’m a firm believer that God is omnipotent, in that He is not only God of the present, but the past and future as well. I don’t believe in coincidence or chance. Scripture is far too clear that everything happens for a reason. This alone has been comforting seeing that everything we have both been through, experienced, and even survived has prepared us for this junction in life. Prepared us for each other. And if years of hard lessons will make me a better person for you, the pain and hurt seems all worth it. You see, love is simply not a word to be tossed around. Love is an action word. And to say you simply “love” something, or “love” someone is not enough. The feelings become legitimate when actions and often times sacrifice match up with your words. This world is cold and it’s inhabitants are colder. You know that better than anyone. Yet amazingly you haven’t let discouragement change who you are at your core. You’ve remained true to yourself and your resilient nature is inspiring. We have both been scarred by this life and yet somehow your kindness and caring nature have brought a warm smile back to my face. I’ve forgotten my own hurt often times just long enough to make you laugh when you needed it. When we spend time together time flies by and we seem to effortlessly mesh together. That’s not to say either one of us is perfect. But our love is most obvious in our imperfections. Where you fall short I’m there with what you need. When I’m down and out life has already prepared you to have the right words or to exercise great patience. You’re a beautiful woman Tiffany inside and out, I know it’s something you don’t give yourself enough credit for so I’m letting you know again. And you could have easily taken your life experiences and shut down. But you haven’t let that stop you from being a dedicated mom, a hard-working employee, and a critical piece that holds your family together. Don’t ever doubt how much those closest to you value you. Don’t ever doubt how much I value you……just for being you. You have truly been the sunshine in my dark world. We have missed out on a lot of years, but that doesn’t mean we have to leave it that way. Our beauty from despair story has yet to end. And I don’t think it will anytime soon. I genuinely love you and am in love with you. I’ve taken great pleasure in getting to know you deeper this past year and a half and I know you feel the same. Here’s to the future… Love, Me

And my letter to him:

Babe, Life has been nothing short of amazing since I’ve gotten closer to you. We tell each other everyday how much we love each other, but I always think you underestimate the capacity to which my love for you stands. So, I want to make it clear to you here. You came back into my life at a time where I was down and didn’t think much of myself. You taught me to look at life from a different perspective, and to love everything about myself, regardless of what others see. You assured me that no one is perfect and not to get down about the things that have happened in my life or the things I couldn’t change. The fact that you cared that much to even show that type of compassion when I was so vulnerable meant so much. You actually cared; you actually listened. From that moment, I knew there was something special about you. I knew there was something different about you that stood out from the others. From that moment, I knew you were meant to be in my life. Instead of judging me, you related to me. You made me comfortable enough to be myself. I could be goofy, I could be emotional, I could be a little slow, lol, and it was okay. I truly believe God brings certain people in your life for a reason. You were put back in my life for a reason, babe. You are the puzzle piece that has been missing. You always talk about how I don’t give myself enough credit, but you don’t give yourself enough credit for being the amazing, God-fearing man and father that you are. You do so much for so many, without looking for anything in return. You’re selfless and determined. You inspire me in so many ways. Everything between us is so natural. This couldn’t be more perfect if it were written in a book or seen in a movie. We balance each other out and we genuinely love each other’s company. It’s not forced, it’s not awkward…it’s natural and REAL and that’s how I know you are supposed to be my partner. You bring light to an otherwise dark day. When I’m down, you know how to lift me up. I don’t know how you know the right things to say to make me feel better, but you do. I’m beyond confident that God took us down our separate paths and put us in the situations we were in to prepare us for each other; to ensure we are perfectly made for each other. And I can’t thank Him enough for his wisdom in that. I can’t thank Him enough for saving me for you. It’s been the plan all along and I’m so happy to be able to sit back and watch it manifest. I love you more than you’ll ever know. There is a ton more I could say, and that I’ve already said. But what I will say is, I’m excited for this life journey with you to #2019! Love, Your Boo Bear

So, while I’ve been MIA from the blog world, know that I’m making new memories to share with you all. I’m living out my happily ever after with a love I never knew could be so REAL and never knew existed! Stay tuned, this is only the beginning.





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