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Welcome to the Family! šŸ¶

Writer: HolddtheMayoHolddtheMayo

It always amazes me how things come full circle. For weeks now, I have talked about getting a dog. Unfortunately, I havenā€™t had time to do the research or go out to the adoption agencies to find one. Well, no need to do any of that now! Today, I was on Facebook and a friend of mine posted a status that a friend of hers was looking for a good home to give her adorable puppy to. I responded on the post asking if her friend was looking to sell the dog and she responded by saying she would pass my number along for her friend to contact me. Within 15 mins, her friend called me and gave me the info on the puppy. She said she and her husband got the dog for their kids as a Christmas present. They didnā€™t realize their schedules would be so busy that they wouldnā€™t be able to give the puppy the attention he needed or deserved. She then started to name all the things the puppy already had and the items they had already accumulated for him. She said I could have all of it, and the dog for FREE! So, of course I said YES! I told her I was very interested in meeting the adorable little pup. Within the next hour, she brought him to my house. My son and I were immediately in love. We told her we would absolutely take him, then and there, there wasnā€™t a question about it! She went back home to get all of his belongs and came back with her husband, along with their kids, so they could say goodbye to Peanut-that is the name they had chosen for the dog and out of respect, I said I wouldnā€™t change his name. I felt bad because the children were effected the most. They were so sad to lose Peanut, but according to mom and dad, it had to be done. I told them they could come by anytime to see him. My door is always open.

Now we have another addition to the family and we are finally complete! Peanut is a 12 week old Chihuahua. He looks like he may be mixed with another breed. The original owners said heā€™s full Chihuahua, but my little puppy nephew is full Chihuahua and they look completely different. The best part about Peanut joining the family is that he has two puppy cousins to play with. He has already been introduced to them and they have hit it off rather quickly! They definitely love each other already. And I am in love with my little Peanut man! I think we will name him Peanut Butter Mayo! Whatcha think?

šŸ’‹ TJ


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